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Down Payment – What Amount is Ideal for you?
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How to calculate your Ideal Down Payment Amount?

Making down payment is important for getting an auto loan. But, Rapid Car Loans helps you ease your burden by making it optional. You can obtain loan approval with low down payment as well as apply for no down auto loan program. The choice is yours! Apply now and obtain quick loan quotes.

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If you make an impulsive decision of applying for an auto loan, you will end up damaging your credit score and your financial stability. Obtaining an auto loan is a process. You will have to research several financial alternatives available to you and devise a plan for making regular payments. Additionally, you will also have to make down payment.

Why make Down Payment?

The reasons for making down payment are as follows:

>> It reduces the total loan amount and lowers your loan burden;

>> It helps in improving your approval chances;

>> It manifests a stable financial situation to the lender; and

>> It helps bad credit borrowers in getting an auto loan.

What is the Ideal Down Payment Amount?

The more, the better!

When it comes to buying a car, it is better to make as much down payment as possible. But, it is not possible for everyone to make down payment of a substantial amount. So, here are a few factors that will help you decide the ideal amount for making down payment:

The Condition of your Credit

A credit report manifests your financial situation and credit worthiness to the lender. So, check your credit report in order to understand how your financial condition will be perceived by the lender. If your credit report includes missed payments, bankruptcy or repossession, you will be offered a higher interest rate. In such a situation, you may want to make down payment of a large amount to reduce the loan amount.

Your Income

A substantial income and a stable job are indicators of regular monthly payments. If a lender is not worried about receiving regular payments, he/she will not make down payment compulsory for you.

On the other hand, if you have just switched your job or you do not have a regular source of income, lender may demand a higher down payment amount from you.

Your Choice - New Car or Used Car?

The depreciation rate of a new car is very high. If you make down payment of an insignificant amount, you will face the situation of an upside down car loan. So, it is better to pay at least twenty percent of the total car price as down payment. If you are inclined to buy a used car, ten percent of the car's price is considered ideal for down payment.

A Trade-In

If your current car has positive equity, you can use it for a trade in. The dealer will deduct the value of your current car from the price of new car. It will help you in lowering the total price of the new car as well as the down payment amount.

Once you consider all the above-mentioned factors, you will be able to calculate an ideal down payment amount for buying a new car.

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