Often while purchasing a car, many people are confused between buying a new car or a used car. Certainly, a used car can be easy on your pocket. It can place you behind a premium and upgraded model rather than a newer beginner model of the same car. Many a times, the fear of the mysterious past of the car can haunt car buyers. However, a certified pre-owned car is the solution to most, if not all the problems of people looking to buy a used car.
Ideally, a certified pre-owned vehicle is picked by experts, has fewer miles on the odometer and possesses a cleaner vehicle history than most cars on the lot. Additionally, a certified pre-owned model will be protected against cost-draining repairs through the means of an extended warranty from the manufacturer. But it is important to look at all the aspects of a certified pre-owned vehicle.
Question of the Hour: Are Pre-Owned Cars worth it?
Understanding the approach of certified pre-owned cars and getting a clearer picture will help you ascertain your car buying choices. Here is what you should take care of while purchasing the cars.
1) Costly on the Inside
As against a used car, a certified pre-owned vehicle will be heavy on your wallet. The cars are certified after undergoing expensive repairs to make them devoid of any major flaw. It can increase the cost. However, if you compare a used car as against one that is certified and has similar mileage, the certified pre-owned car will be priced slightly higher. Additionally, make sure you take note of the working condition of the car parts.
2) Warranty Issues
Another thing you should take into consideration while signing the papers is checking whether the warranty period of the manufacturer is left. Many a times, the certified pre-owned vehicle will carry a warranty attached to the car which will add to your overall cost. Also, it may happen that the dealer offers you a warranty instead of the manufacturer and escalates the prices. Therefore, check properly before making a decision.
3) Limited Car Choices
The usual mandate with certified pre-owned cars is that only the authorized dealerships hailing from the same brand can sell the cars. For instance, if you want to purchase a Hyundai Elantra, you will be exposed to the Hyundai dealership’s pre-owned car selection only. When you purchase a new car, the whole point of limited choices becomes moot as you have greater freedom to choose the car that matches your needs and preference.
An Alternative Approach to Certified Pre-Owned Cars
Although many drivers consider purchasing certified pre-owned cars, they are not the right choice for everyone. Purchasing a new car will greatly reduce the pressure to keep your car’s health in check. Therefore, the pre-owned vehicle may have certifications, but purchasing a new car will become your perfect companion in the long run.
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